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About Hubcard
Oct 20
Hubcard is a platform for finding and maintaining agreement. It's the opposite of conventional social media, which amplifies disagreement.
Use Cases
Oct 20
Hubcard is a platform for finding and maintaining agreement. 
Oct 6
Hubcard's comment system is quite unusual, since it is designed to prevent the Tyranny of the Annoying problem found in other commenting systems.
Legal Disclosures
Oct 6
Hubcard is a product of Talkful, Inc, headquartered at 213 N Bayview Ave, Sunnyvale, CA.
Oct 6
This card and it's sub-cards provide a brief introduction to using Hubcard. 
Sep 14
Cards can use footnotes to provide external links1, provide citations for statements made in the card2, or expand on things said on the card3.
Sep 14
A card is a short summary of the most important things to know about a topic. A card should be short enough to fit on a phone screen, and can link to other cards to provide information beyond what fits on one card.
Aug 26
You can follow a card to get notified by email when significant changes are made to the card.