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by Rob Ennals
- Sep 19
The modern state of Israel was founded in 1948[1] as a result of Jews fleeing persecution elsewhere. Migrants were often motivated by the belief that Jews should have a country of their own (Zionism)[2].
The foundation of Israel displaced the pre-existing Arab population creating anger in the Arab world. Israel has thus been a site of regular conflict since its formation, both with its Arab neighbors, and with the Arab occupants of the West bank and Gaza strip.
The West Bank and Gaza are both controlled to some extent by Israel, but contain a large Arab non-citizen population. This is seen as an apartheid-like crime by opponents, but it is likely Israel would not be able to defend itself if it did not control those territories.
Israel's internal politics are messy, driven in part by changing demographics in which the ultra-orthodox and Arab-Israeli populations are expanding faster than more politically moderate groups.
The most recent conflict in Israel lasted from May 6-21st 2021, and was unusual in that it included internal rioting as well as external conflict.
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